Crystal Meth Effects: Mom’s Meth Use During Pregnancy Causes Kids’ Behavioral Problems – CBS News

Crystal Meth Effects: Mom’s meth use during pregnancy causes kids’ behavioral problems – CBS News

CBS News

Mom's meth use during pregnancy causes kids' behavioral problems
CBS News
The study – which is the first to look at how meth use during pregnancy may impact a child – was published in the March 19 issue of Pediatrics. LaGasse and her team tracked 330 youngsters ages 3 through 5 who hailed from areas of the West and Midwest

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Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

Crystal Meth Effects: Crystal ‘meth babies’ are born smaller and more prone to anxiety, depression … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Crystal 'meth babies' are born smaller and more prone to anxiety, depression
Daily Mail
By Lee Moran Children whose mothers use crystal meth during pregnancy will be more prone to anxiety, depression and moodiness in later life, scientists have revealed. So-called 'meth babies' are also more likely to weigh much less when they are born

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Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

Crystal Meth Effects: Meth lab attempt derailed in train wreck – Alva Review-Courier

Alva Review-Courier

Meth lab attempt derailed in train wreck
Alva Review-Courier
The engineer and the conductor reported seeing someone flee the vehicle just before impact. Although no suspects were found on scene, items left behind led McCollough to the arrest of three men on suspicion of conspiring to manufacture methamphetamine.

Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

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