‘Heidi Fleiss: Prostitutes to Parrots’ to Air on Animal Planet – Gather.com

Crystal Meth Rehab: ‘Heidi Fleiss: Prostitutes to Parrots’ to Air on Animal Planet – Gather.com

'Heidi Fleiss: Prostitutes to Parrots' to Air on Animal Planet
Fleiss said, "I love that white trash drug, that crystal meth — I love it. My lungs, they're pure. All they have is the smog of LA. I would never smoke it. My veins — oh, they're pure. I would sniff it. Don't ask me why. Disgusting.

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Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

Crystal Meth Rehab: Drug offenses, thefts and probation violations dominated Thursday’s session of … – Baxter Bulletin

Drug offenses, thefts and probation violations dominated Thursday's session of
Baxter Bulletin
Crystal Lynn Morris, 29, of Bull Shoals, got a third chance when she pleaded guilty to violating her probation. She was placed on four years' probation in March for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

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Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

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