Methadone-Finally, You Can Quit!

Crystal Meth Addiction: Methadone-Finally, you can Quit!

Learn more at: Methadone is a life saver for many. It helps people make their life more manageable, it’s legal, and it only needs to be taken once per day. Unfortunately, millions get sick of it after a while and that is why it’s earned the nickname the ‘orange handcuffs’. Getting off of Methadone can be much harder than any other opiate. Many users claim the withdrawal can last for 6-12 months! Ibogaine can greatly assist you in getting off the drug. Withdrawal is usually eliminated or reduced by 80-90 percent. Ibogaine only needs to be taken once, unlike Methadone. Please visit the site to learn more about Ibogaine. You can find several treatment facilities there. All of them are located outside of the US due to Ibogaine’s Schedule 1 status in the US. Good luck to you and thank you for watching!
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