Crystal Meth Effects: Our View: Be Alert for What Might Be Meth Lab Sites – Observer-Dispatch
Crystal Meth Effects: Our view: Be alert for what might be meth lab sites – Observer-Dispatch
It’s a highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system, and comes in two forms: powder, known as crystal meth … a child living at a clandestine meth lab is exposed to the ongoing effects of chemical contamination.
Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Bing News
Crystal Meth Effects: Obese, overweight and still healthy
It’s become an axiom of health that overweight and obese people are not as healthy as their normal weight counterparts. In fact, obesity has been targeted as one of the country’s most serious public health problems, with predictions of widespread heart disease, diabetes and cancer among the growing number of Americans who are overweight.
Read more on News-Medical-Net
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