In Pursuit of a Tea Party Pin-Up – Brisbane Times

Crystal Meth Effects: In pursuit of a Tea Party pin-up – Brisbane Times

Brisbane Times

In pursuit of a Tea Party pin-up
Brisbane Times
Wasilla is famous for two things other than Palin – the amount of crystal meth its residents get through and the amount of praying they do. There are 7800 residents and 76 churches, including the Assemblies of God, Palin's devotion to which,

Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

Crystal Meth Effects: Take a Walk on the Wild Side – Huffington Post UK (blog)

Take a Walk on the Wild Side
Huffington Post UK (blog)
Eventually, the highly strung 'April' (who from now on we will for his sake call 'John') and some friend, who I think were crystal meth mates, together were playing the whole duality card and had became very screwed up by it. Basically the joke now was

Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

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