In Your Opinion, What Is the Worst Drug Out There? and Why?
Question by pinky?: In your opinion, what is the worst drug out there? And why?
serious question.
i’ll flag any “all drugs are bad” answers for relevance.
examples, personal experience, etc, welcome.
Best answer:
Answer by BooNaaNaa =]
Crystal Meth
its just always seem to be the worse to me =/
and heroin, mainly because junkies love to leave needles around and infect others with nasty diseases
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Crystal Meth Effects: Meth mom keeps newborn – on track to get older daughter back
Katherine was 6 months pregnant and still using Meth when she was busted and her older (1-year-old) daughter was taken away from her. The arrest and removal of her daughter were the wake-up call she needed, and Katherine has been clean for several months and working with her counselors and social worker to eventually get her older daughter back. To learn more about the addiction and treatment of Meth: To learn more about the effects of Meth on children: DEC (Drug Endangered Children) Teams across the country bring together law enforcement, child protection (social workers), medical providers, prosecutors, fire departments, Haz-Mat teams and others who may be on-site to respond to a Meth busts when children are present. To learn more about DEC Teams in South Dakota or to request support to develop a Team in your part of the state: NOTE: This video clip is from the MSNBC documentary “Wasteland: Innocent Victims of Meth.” As a means of educating the public about the risks of Meth and its impact on children, this video has been copied under Fair Use Guidelines. More information about this documentary, which originally aired on December 18, 2005:
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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