‘Meow Meow’ Akin to Ecstasy – ScienceAlert

Crystal Meth Effects: ‘Meow meow’ akin to ecstasy – ScienceAlert


'Meow meow' akin to ecstasy
Mephedrone works like a combination of methamphetamine (crystal meth or ice) and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy). A researcher at the University of Sydney has discovered how the increasingly common street drug mephedrone affects the brain,

Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

Crystal Meth Effects: Meth discussion draws passionate crowd Meth talk draws passionate crowd – Fort Morgan Times

Meth discussion draws passionate crowd Meth talk draws passionate crowd
Fort Morgan Times
It's also a drug with different street names in every community — speed, chalk, ice, crystal, glass, tweak, crank, etc. — making it sometimes hard to keep track of when someone is talking about meth. Also, since this is a drug that people can create

Crystal+Meth+ Effects – Google News

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