Crystal Meth Facts: Couple Lose US Extradition Appeal Over ‘meth’ Charges – ITN
Crystal Meth Facts: Couple lose US extradition appeal over ‘meth’ charges – ITN
A British couple have lost their appeal against extradition to the US to face charges of supplying chemicals to make the drug crystal meth … “The highly dangerous nature of methamphetamine is reflected in the fact that it has since 2007 been classified …
Crystal Meth Facts – Bing News
Crystal Meth Facts: Drug-row parents lose US extradition fight – Scotsman
Two guns were recovered and computers with information about the sale of chemicals through a website. The chemicals were used to manufacture methamphetamine, or “crystal meth”, a class A drug. In 2006, after the couple had moved to Scotland, an indictment …
Crystal Meth Facts – Bing News
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