Crystal Meth Facts: Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab – Wired (Blog)

Crystal Meth Facts: Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab – Wired (blog)

Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab
Wired (blog)
Ethan Perlstein, an evolutionary pharmacologist, is interested in exploring the psychopharmacology behind amphetamines, which includes crystal meth. (And don't worry: Perlstein made the meth lab joke before me.) But rather than writing a grant proposal

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Boyd Tonkin: Tyranny in the UK – how ‘alternative history’ sharpens the taste … – The Independent

Boyd Tonkin: Tyranny in the UK – how 'alternative history' sharpens the taste
The Independent
Proper historians tend to treat counter-factual speculation as the crystal meth of their discipline – a cheap high. Novelists, on the other hand, create a parallel reality with every book they write. No surprise, then, that fiction has outclassed

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Global Drug Survey – Gay Times Magazine

Global Drug Survey
Gay Times Magazine
Whether it's because they're illegal or we're ashamed to admit we rely on drugs like Crystal Meth, GBL Mephadrone or Cocaine to get our kicks, poorly questioned surveys are only skimming the surface of what's needed to help both educate and treat. That

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

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