Crystal Meth Facts: Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab – Wired (Blog)
Crystal Meth Facts: Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab – Wired (blog)
Help Scientists Build a Meth Lab
Wired (blog) Ethan Perlstein, an evolutionary pharmacologist, is interested in exploring the psychopharmacology behind amphetamines, which includes crystal meth. (And don't worry: Perlstein made the meth lab joke before me.) But rather than writing a grant proposal … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
Crystal Meth Facts: Eric Schmidt: Apple vs. Android is the defining fight in tech – CNET
Eric Schmidt: Apple vs. Android is the defining fight in tech
CNET @Str1f3 The funny part about your statement is the fact that Archos DID, in fact, have Android tablets on the market before the iPad was announced. But by all … Android is about Hardware, you need to tone down on crystal–meth, its ruining you. Posted … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
Crystal Meth Facts: Drunk With Power – New York Times
New York Times |
Drunk With Power
New York Times From the outside, Animale — named for Gubitosa's dead but still-beloved cat, whose image has appeared on many Animale bottles — looked more like a methamphetamine lab than a winery, with an overgrown lawn, a faded gnome statue and reflective … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
Crystal Meth Facts: Letter: Obama defended the indefensible – The Advocate
Letter: Obama defended the indefensible
The Advocate This is evidenced by the fact that the budgets he has submitted have not received even one vote from a Democrat or Republican in the Senate. Yes, Romney clearly won …. OMG, this guy must be tripping out on some form of crystal meth….Yes, he is a … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
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