Crystal Meth Facts: Iranian Arrested for Allegedly Dealing Crystal Meth – Pattaya Mail

Crystal Meth Facts: Iranian arrested for allegedly dealing crystal meth – Pattaya Mail

Iranian arrested for allegedly dealing crystal meth
Pattaya Mail
An Iranian man was arrested after being caught in a police sting while allegedly dealing crystal methamphetamines. Nourollah Fallah, 42, was apprehended Oct. 26 at The Avenue galleria when a police informant cooperated with investigators to purchase a

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Late drug arrest of doc spurs questions – WISH

Late drug arrest of doc spurs questions
Not only was Dr. Silvio Sanchez allowed to leave Wishard Memorial Hospital after deputies there allegedly found him in possession of crystal meth, but he also continued to practice medicine in the intervening year before he was arrested .

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Bail set for Saipan representative accused of selling crystal meth – Pacific Daily News

Bail set for Saipan representative accused of selling crystal meth
Pacific Daily News
A Saipan lawmaker had a bail hearing Monday for allegedly selling $ 200 worth of crystal methamphetamine to a police source in October, according to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Superior Court. Bail for Rep. Raymond Palacios, who was

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Winnie Sifert – Victoria Times Colonist

Winnie Sifert
Victoria Times Colonist
Crystal Meth. Society; Langford Rep. Westshore Chamber of Commerce Prior to being on council in 1992 I was on the Advisory Planning Commission for 9 yrs.; served on 3 incorporation committees prior to incorporation; Director of Goldstream Museum for 6

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

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