Crystal Meth Facts: The Cornyn Con – Daily Caller
Crystal Meth Facts: The Cornyn Con – Daily Caller
The Cornyn Con
Daily Caller If Cornyn conditioned legalization on enforcement, he might actually come close–as close as he could come–to a “guarantee” that the enforcement measures would in fact be carried out. Instead, it's “Give us legalization and we'll give you enforcement in … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
Crystal Meth Facts: Notebook story detailed rape of maid – StarPhoenix
Notebook story detailed rape of maid
StarPhoenix "I think with all the facts you need to look at, it was a fair sentence," said defence lawyer Darrel Soroka. Froese, on probation at the time from a previous conviction for sexual assault in B.C., had a serious addiction to crystal meth and was on a … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
Crystal Meth Facts: Baseless comment – StarPhoenix
Baseless comment
StarPhoenix The Saskatoon Police Service spokesperson discussed the event and stated the explosion was not the result of a "grow-op or crystal meth lab," while an investigation team was still on the scene that day. What? Why was that type of comment made? To … |
Crystal Meth Facts – Google News
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