Crystal Meth Smoker Saw Imaginary Bikies – Illawarra Mercury

Crystal meth smoker saw imaginary bikies – Illawarra Mercury

Crystal meth smoker saw imaginary bikies
Illawarra Mercury
High on crystal meth, a paranoid and delusional Adam Michael Kempt thought he was being chased by 30 bikies from the Hells Angels motorcycle gang. Kempt, 23, who was behind the wheel of a Honda Accord sedan at the time, drove on the wrong side of 

Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Matthew Shepard’s murder: ‘What it came down to is drugs and money’ – The Guardian

The Guardian

Matthew Shepard's murder: 'What it came down to is drugs and money'
The Guardian
The Matthew Shepard Foundation has accused him of succumbing to “factual errors, rumors and innuendo” to build a sensationalist conspiracy theory and drag Shepard's name through the mud. Their outrage has been mirrored on the other side of the

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Britain asks Indonesia not to press for death penalty for ex-PCSO accused of … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Britain asks Indonesia not to press for death penalty for ex-PCSO accused of
Daily Mail
Andrea Ruth Waldeck was hooded as she was brought into court to face charges of possessing £12,000 worth of crystal methamphetamine, from which the drug Ice is made. She is alleged to have passed through the city airport after a flight from China with 

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

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