Film With Novice Eskimo Cast Opens in US Theaters – Wall Street Journal

Crystal Meth Facts: Film with novice Eskimo cast opens in US theaters – Wall Street Journal

Film with novice Eskimo cast opens in US theaters
Wall Street Journal
AP ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Two Inupiat Eskimo teenagers from a remote Arctic town find themselves at the center of a tragic killing brought on by a crystal meth-fueled fight during a seal hunt in the frozen north. The childhood best friends try to cover

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Nervous driver alerts Border Patrol and nets Million in crystal- meth –

Nervous driver alerts Border Patrol and nets $ 1 Million in crystalmeth
“Agents searched the vehicle and discovered 24 bundles of methamphetamine concealed inside of the natural voids within the rear quarter panels behind both the driver's and passenger's seats.” Border Patrol said the crystal meth weighed 56 pounds and

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Anthrax-Killing Foam Proves Effective in Meth Lab Cleanup, Study Suggests – Science Daily (press release)

Anthrax-Killing Foam Proves Effective in Meth Lab Cleanup, Study Suggests
Science Daily (press release)
In 2007, EFT released Crystal Clean, a chemically identical formula to EasyDecon DF200, but packaged and marketed specifically for meth cleanup. Sites contaminated with meth are considered crime scenes, but the contamination is chemical rather than

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

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