Allergy, Cold Meds Soon Harder to Buy From Alabama Crackdown on Meth (Editorial) – (Blog)

Crystal Meth Symptoms: Allergy, cold meds soon harder to buy from Alabama crackdown on meth (editorial) – (blog) (blog)

Allergy, cold meds soon harder to buy from Alabama crackdown on meth (editorial) (blog)
"It's important that we do everything we can to stop the manufacture and distribution of crystal meth in our state. At the same time, we don't want to burden our law abiding citizens by making this common drug difficult to obtain," said the Senate

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Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

Crystal Meth Symptoms: Part Two: Charles Murray, the Long View – The American Prospect

Part Two: Charles Murray, the Long View
The American Prospect
Murray might have addressed a class schism that is real and troubling—the split between most of hard-working America and a new underclass, whose emblem is the rural epidemic of crystal meth. Had he addressed that genuine but contained problem,

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Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

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