Ibogaine Treatment
Crystal Meth Addiction: Ibogaine treatment
Visit: www.ibogaine-treatment.com Ibogaine treatment can help millions who struggle with drug abuse or alcoholism. It is not a cure for addiction, but a very powerful tool for assisting people and a powerful catalyst for change. Please let me know if you would like learn more. Good luck to all!
Crystal Meth Addiction: Addicted to Meth & Living out of Gay Bathhouses
Each of his columns, like the one below, features editorial content from Brendon as well as a excerpt from a journal he kept while in his active drug addiction. Make sure you come back every Thursday for Brendon's latest column! …
Read more on Gay Socialites
Crystal Meth Addiction: Cocaine blues
Totally stepped on, crystal meth mixed with other shit. Being a user myself, I've witnessed the quality deteriorate over the years.” Does he ever dip into the bags he sells, or further cut the shit himself? “Only if I want to lose some fingers. …
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