Recovering Teen Addict Hopes to Inspire Others to Get Clean

Crystal Meth Addiction: Recovering teen addict hopes to inspire others to get clean
Kimberly Schliekelman started with alcohol and marijuana, graduated to cocaine and crystal meth, overdosed twice, became a heroin addict, then got clean after two stints in rehab. All before age 18.
Crystal+Meth+ Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Crystal Meth Addiction: More Germans get into drugs, but fewer die of heroin
The number of drugs-related deaths in Germany has dropped to the lowest level since 1988, official figures for 2011 show. But there were more first-time users, especially of 'crystal meth' and amphetamines.
Crystal+Meth+ Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Crystal Meth Addiction: Kathleen Turner says Winnipeg play taught her she wasn't 'born to play ingenue'
TORONTOL, Ont. – It was a stage stint in Winnipeg in 1980 that helped Oscar-nominated actress Kathleen Turner realize what type of roles she's best suited for.
Crystal+Meth+ Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Crystal Meth Addiction: “If I’m not doing it, I don’t feel right.” – with Toniann

§ Speak to a volunteer? — 813 672-3419 — Bayard Henry Barnes on Facebook § The CureDrive — — is a NONPROFIT where we DEMONSTRATE and teach CURE of medically incurable diseases on camera. § IMMUNICS is the yoga of self-immunity — it utilizes your everyday intuitive powers and natural knowing combined with a practical scientific approach. § Wemake these movies with the intention to inspire you to GO BEYOND symptomatic cure, and take out — remove — the disease, plus its cofactors, ancillary causes, contributing factors, predisposing factors and the like, for diseases such as — breast cancer, herpes simplex, rosacea, HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HSV-2 (genital herpes), acid reflux, acne, allergies, amenorrhea, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Epstein-Barr, cold sores, oral herpes, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), eczema, hives, cytomegalovirus (CMV), fibromyalgia and associated arthritis, flu – there are more than 20 Cure Shows where people cured flu in just a few minutes – Graves’ disease, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, HIV, leukemia, lupus, Lyme disease, melanoma, migraine, multiple sclerosis (MS), obesity, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), osteoarthritis, pain, past-life trauma, periodontal disease, osteoporosis, pet healing, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, shingles, depression, and sciatica. § And ADDICTIONS such as — SMOKING, crack cocaine and crystal meth
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