Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy Won’t Be Back in TNA Unless They Go to Drug Rehab – Bleacher Report

Crystal Meth Rehab: Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy Won’t Be Back in TNA Unless They Go to Drug Rehab – Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy Won't Be Back in TNA Unless They Go to Drug Rehab
Bleacher Report
Jeff Hardy's 2003 WWE firing was the result of him refusing to go to rehab for what he later said was crystal meth addiction. For several months prior to his release, his performances had been embarrassing (most notably completely forgetting a planned

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Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

Crystal Meth Rehab: Test welfare recipients for drugs (Guest View) – Mason City Globe Gazette

Test welfare recipients for drugs (Guest View)
Mason City Globe Gazette
As a former addict, I've seen drug deals go down where EBT cards, SSI funds, Food Stamps, WIC coupons and other forms of welfare were used to pay for crack cocaine, crystal meth, marijuana, heroin, PCP and a host of other illicit drugs.

Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

Crystal Meth Rehab: More needed in meth fight – The Decatur Daily (subscription)

More needed in meth fight
The Decatur Daily (subscription)
Crystal methamphetamine, not marijuana, not crack, is Alabama's No. 1 drug of choice. It's a drug that messes up your mind, a drug from which experts say takes years of intensive rehab to recover. Unfortunately, there aren'ta whole lot of solutions to

Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

Crystal Meth Rehab: Mexican counselling centres: war on drugs, but without weapons – Monsters and

Mexican counselling centres: war on drugs, but without weapons
Monsters and
Juan, 14, has tried everything – from cigarettes and alcohol, to marijuana, to the latest, extremely powerful and addictive stimulant drug crystal meth. Now, he toils on a ranch near Lagos de Moreno, in the western Mexican state of Jalisco.

Crystal+Meth+ Rehab – Google News

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