Sexual Freedom vs. Sexual Addiction: The Gay Male Conundrum – (Blog)

Crystal Meth Symptoms: Sexual Freedom vs. Sexual Addiction: The Gay Male Conundrum – (blog) (blog)

Sexual Freedom vs. Sexual Addiction: The Gay Male Conundrum (blog)
Anecdotal evidence suggests that for a majority of sex addicts, especially gay male sex addicts, the “secondary drug of choice” is crystal methamphetamine. Meth is by far the most dangerous and troublesome drug to have infiltrated the gay community.

Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

Crystal Meth Symptoms: Night 1 reviews: Breaking Rank!, Grim & Fischer, Methtacular!, Quake, Rodney … –

Night 1 reviews: Breaking Rank!, Grim & Fischer, Methtacular!, Quake, Rodney
is an introspective telling of a young gay actor's three-year descent into sex-fueled crystal meth addiction in Chicago and how it almost destroyed his life. What makes this show different from a lot of other navel-gazing to-hell-and-back monologues is

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Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

Crystal Meth Symptoms: More babies born addicted to painkillers – Vancouver Sun

More babies born addicted to painkillers
Vancouver Sun
In Vancouver, where the street drugs of choice have long been heroin, cocaine and crystal meth, "we are starting to see more young women on prescription opioids that are impacting their pregnancies," said Dr. Ron Abrahams, medical director of perinatal

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Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

Crystal Meth Symptoms: More babies being born hooked on prescription painkillers – Ottawa Citizen

More babies being born hooked on prescription painkillers
Ottawa Citizen
In Vancouver, where the street drugs of choice have long been heroin, cocaine and crystal meth, "we are starting to see more young women on prescription opioids that are impacting their pregnancies," said Dr. Ron Abrahams, medical director of perinatal

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Crystal Meth Symptoms – Google News

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